Personal data policies

Privacy policy Your personal information This privacy policy explains how we collect and process your personal data. Personal data means any information or set of information that identifies or could be used to identify you (along with other information). This includes information you share with us, what we learn from you, and the choices you make about the marketing messages you want us to send you. This policy explains how we process your personal data, what your rights are and how the law protects you. We deliberately do not collect data related to children. Changes in the legal framework for personal data protection The legal framework for your data protection will change on 25 May 2018, when the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force in the European Union. This privacy policy tells you more about most of your rights under the Regulation, but there may be other changes we will need to make to this privacy policy after May 25 - we will we notify you each time we make a change to this policy. We may need to ask you to accept the changes or give your new consent to the use of your personal data. 1. Who are we and how can you contact us? We are [Name of your company] Ltd., UIC XXXXXXXX, street XXXXX [ You can contact us at the e-mail address: [at] When we mention our website, we mean 2. How do we collect your personal data? We may collect personal information about you in the following ways: Data that you share with us: - Data you give us when you register to use our services; - Data you share with us when you talk to us on the phone; - Data you send us in emails or letters to us; - Data in connection with your participation in our promotions or events; - Data that you send to us in the form of feedback. 3. The data we collect about you We may collect, use, store and transfer various types of personal data about you, which we have grouped as follows: Identity data - name and date of birth; Contact details - billing address, email address or phone numbers; Financial data - data on bank accounts and payment cards; Transaction details - details of payments from you and other details of services you have purchased from us; Marketing and communication data - your preferences in receiving marketing messages from us, as well as your communication preferences. We do not collect sensitive personal information about you. This includes details about race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political views, union membership, information about your health, and genetic and biometric data. We also do not collect information on criminal convictions and crimes committed. 4. For what purpose do we process your personal data? Your personal data enjoys legal protection. We have the right to process your personal data only if we have a legal basis for it and the processing meets legitimate purposes. The objectives set out in this policy are: - Goals required for the use of our services; - Purposes for which you have given your explicit consent; - Objectives necessary for the fulfillment of legal obligations of [Name of your company] Location. 5. With whom do we share your personal data? Sometimes, in order to provide the services you have requested from us, we may share your personal information with external service providers. We require all service providers with whom we share your data to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. We do not allow any of our service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes and we allow them to process your personal data only for certain purposes and in accordance with our instructions. 6. Failure to provide personal data In cases where we have to process your personal data in connection with a legal requirement or under the terms of a contract we have with you, and you cannot provide this data upon request, we may not be able to perform the contract we have or try to we conclude with you (for example, to provide you with a service). In this case, we may not be able to provide the service you request from us, but we will let you know if this is the case. 7. Data protection We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent accidental loss, use or access to your personal data in an unauthorized manner, alteration or disclosure. In addition, we restrict access to your personal information to those employees, external service providers and other third parties who have a legitimate right of access to it. They will

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