General terms of use

These general terms and conditions govern the terms of use of {your domain name}, hereinafter referred to as the "website". The website is operated on {your company name} with UIC {UIC of your company}, hereinafter referred to as "Operator". If necessary, you can contact us through the following contacts: Email: {contact email} Phone: {contact phone} By using the Website, the user agrees to these general terms and conditions. If you do not agree with them, you should refrain from using the Website.

  1. Intellectual property
    1.1. All intellectual property rights regarding the information resources and the content of the website are exercised by the Operator. They are protected by the Copyright and Related Rights Act and any use of content from the Website without the consent of the Operator is a violation of the law, which may result in civil, administrative or criminal liability.
    1.2. In case of copying or reproducing information beyond the permissible, as well as in case of any other infringement of intellectual property rights on the resources of the Operator, the Operator has the right to claim compensation for direct and indirect damages in full.

    2. Limitation of liability
    2.1. The Operator takes the necessary measures to keep the content of the Website up to date, but is not responsible for the actual timeliness of the same. In this regard, the Operator is not liable for damages, including direct and indirect damages, including lost profits, which a user of the Website would suffer in any circumstances related to the published content of the Website and access to it. By using the Website, users assume all risks associated with this, including any risk to end-user devices, software or user data.
    2.2. To the extent that the content of the Website contains links to content positioned outside the same, the user is aware of the fact that the Operator has no control over the same and is not responsible for the consequences of activating links leading outside the Website. The Operator is not responsible for malicious actions by third parties to which the user may become subject when using the Website. The User uses the Website at his own risk.

    3. User registration
    3.1. The Operator reserves the right to provide part of the content of the Website only to users who have registered their user profile on the Website. Relevant content, limited only to registered users, should at all times be marked as such by the Operator.
    3.2. When creating a user profile, the user agrees that the Operator will process his personal data in accordance with the rules of the Privacy Policy published on the Website.

    4. Use of the website
    4.1. To the extent that the Operator has provided an opportunity for users to upload content on the Website, they should not upload defamatory, uncensored, offensive, pornographic or otherwise illegal or morally contrary content.
    4.2. Users should use the Website in good faith, including not taking malicious actions that could affect the availability of content to third parties or the use of the Website at all.

    5. Others
    5.1. The Operator reserves the right to change these general terms and conditions at its discretion and at any time the current terms of use of the Website will be published on the same.
    5.2. The provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to all issues not settled by these General Terms and Conditions.
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